Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Welfare Reform: Drug Testing for Government Assistance Essay example --

Drug testing should be mandatory in all states for those receiving or applying for government assistance, such as TANF (Transitional Assistance to Needy Families), SNAP, Unemployment Benefits and even those receiving Pell Grants to continue their education; or should it? This is a question everyone has an opinion on from the politicians to the general public. I will attempt to show arguments against and for the program of drug testing that has already been adopted in some states, such as Florida (Tarren Bragdon, Foundation for Government Accountability), Arizona and Missouri (Aileen, Suitcase Clinic). Welfare is defined as: of, relating to, or concerned with welfare and especially with improvement of disadvantaged social groups (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, pg. 1420). And Reform is defined as: 1a: to put or change into an improved form or condition. 1b: to amend or improve by change of form or removal of faults and abuses. (pg. 1046). There seems to an argument on the cost of drug testing the states will bear if drug testing is required. â€Å"The cost is not only to the individual in question but also the federal/state/local government.† (Calliope Hollingue). There is a $26.78 average cost per drug test according to a chart from The Foundation of Government Accountability. The chart also shows the state of Florida reimbursed $58,000 worth of fees for negative results in the 1st (July-September) of 2011 (Tarren Bragdon). The chart will be shown at the end of the report as it has information regarding the effects of such testing both against and in favor of. Another opinion for this view is that though it may save the state welfare dollars, it will increase sate and local expenditure in the criminal ju... ...ty. Let us hope they make the best informed, educated, and compassionate decision they are able to make. The future of our world is, literally, in their hands. Works Cited Bassett, Laura. Kentucky Lawmaker; Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Would Save 'Millions And Millions'. Politics. Huff Post , 2012. Bragdon, Tarren. Florida's Drug Test Law for Welfare Cash Assistance; First Quarter Facts. 2011. Center, Legal Action, ed. Drug Testing In Connection With Welfare Reform. 2012. Drug Testing of Public Assitance Recipients as a Condition of Eligibility. American Civil Liberties, n.d. Haskins, Ron. The 2010 Reauthorization of Welfare Reform Could Result in Important Changes. The Bookings Institute, 2012. Holingue, Calliope. Ed. Aileen., n.d. Rector, Robert. The Effects of Welfare Reform. The Heritage Foundation, 2001.

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